For new students

All new undergraduate students are required to attend an Advising and Orientation (A&O) session. During this time, you will meet with an adviser and will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Here is a list of things to do to best prepare for your A&O and to meet with your adviser. See the New Huskies Admissions website for a more comprehensive list. 

1. Pre-A&O Modules

Complete (actually watch and not skim through) the Pre-A&O Modules. The Pre-A&O Modules have important information on the registration process and will likely answer your questions before you attend A&O. 

2. MyPlan

Get familiar with MyPlan, the UW online tool to help with academic planning and registration. 

3. First-year Interest Groups (FIGs) - Autumn Quarter Only

Check out FIGs (for both freshmen and transfers) as an option during your autumn quarter. Students who take a FIG are more likely to be academically successful at the UW.

4. First-year and Transfer Advising Guide

As a first-year student, you will be presented with many new challenges and opportunities at the UW. Sometimes, the infinite number of paths you can take can feel overwhelming. This advising guide can help you start to explore your interests, get involved, and set goals for a meaningful first year. 

Frequently Asked Questions    

Can I meet with my adviser before my Advising & Orientation session?

Not usually. During the summer most of our time is spent at Advising & Orientation sessions. You will have the chance to meet your adviser during your Advising & Orientation session. You will learn the basic information you will need to prepare for your first quarter and there will also be ample opportunities for you to ask questions. 

You can explore classes ahead of time on MyPlan and bring your questions to Advising & Orientation. 

Will my advisers during Advising & Orientation be my adviser for all four years?

Maybe. Most students start out meeting with the general advisers in our office or in the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity. As you start to narrow down your choice of majors, you will want to meet advisers for those majors for program planning and, in many cases, preparing your application for admission to the major. Once you declare a major, you will meet primarily with that department's adviser to plan your program of classes, discuss internship and research opportunities, and prepare for graduation.

How often am I required to meet with an adviser?

The UW doesn't require that you meet regularly with your adviser. Some universities require that you obtain an adviser's approval before registering for classes each quarter, but the UW doesn't. Some students stop by with questions every few weeks; others find themselves able to navigate the University with relatively little assistance. Advisers are always available to provide whatever help you need.

Was that helpful? Read more Frequently Asked Questions

Transfer Student FAQs

How can I plan my schedule if I'm unable to meet with an adviser until A&O?

There are two reasons you are unable to register for classes or meet with an UW academic adviser before your A&O date

  • The evaluation of your transfer credits won't be completed until just before your Advising and Orientation date. We can't help you plan your first few quarters at the UW until we know how your previous courses have transferred.
  • Courses close as registration goes on. It can be very frustrating to put too much work into designing a perfect class schedule in June if you won't be registering for classes until August.
When can I make an appointment with an adviser?

You will meet with an academic adviser during your Advising and Orientation. You will be able to make an appointment with an adviser after you've attended orientation. 

How do I know what credits will transfer to the UW?

Once your credits are evaluated by the UW Office of Admission, you will be able to review the evaluation by looking at your Unofficial Transcript in MyUW. If you are transferring from a Washington State Community College, you should review the Equivalency Guide to see how your credits will transfer.

I got an "XX" credit, what does that mean?

Courses that are transferrable but don't have an exact UW equivalent will be posted as "X" credit. For example, an 100-level political science course might be posted as POL S 1XX if the UW doesn't teach a course on exactly the same topic. X-credit courses can be counted toward requirements. In some departments this is done automatically. You will need to contact the specific department to know what your X-credit will transfer as.