
UAA Advising recognizes that students most often need additional support after their initial transition to the University of Washington, namely in the spring of their first-year and into their second-year. The reality of a "sophomore slump" is not unique to UW, and is a well researched reality that is common at universities nationwide. 

To support students as they transition into their second year at the University of Washington, UAA Advising leads Springboard — a suite of interventions in the first year that promote meaningful experiences in the second year. While some Springboard activities run the entire academic year, others specifically target students in their final quarter of their first year.  

Winter 2025 Courses

GEN ST 150: Exploring Data Science at UW (1 credit)

Data science is a relatively new, yet fast-growing field that has applications across a wide range of disciplines. At the University of Washington, there are several ways to study data science - some obvious ways and others less so. There are a lot of factors that might determine which option is right for you. This class aims to provide first and second-year students the opportunity to explore the many data science offerings at UW.

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Spring 2025 Courses

GEN ST 220: Undergraduate Research: Foundations and Exploration (1 credit)

This course provides spring quarter first-year students an opportunity to reflect and prepare for meaningful undergraduate research involvement in the natural sciences. Students will have an opportunity to engage with faculty, alumni, and industry professionals as they reflect on their academic and co-curricular plans. Students will learn from researchers about the importance of getting involved, and how to make that happen.

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Autumn Courses
  • GEN ST 150 Exploring Majors (offered in autumn quarter): Exploring Majors is a 1 credit course offered in Autumn of the first-year. This course allows students interested in Social Science, Natural Science, and Technology disciplines to discover opportunities available at the UW, to discern their interests and values, and to begin to decide on a path of exploration.
Advising Guides 

Advising Guides help students craft an undergraduate experience that is meaningful to them. These guides are designed to help students reflect on their goals and interests, while navigating the various academic and co-curricular opportunities available at UW. Advising Guides have been developed for first-year students, second-year students, and transfer students.

Advising Guides

Dinner with the Pack

Dinner with the Pack brings together UW students and alumni for conversations about undergraduate academics, co-curricular involvement, and the ways in which a UW undergraduate education will contribute to a meaningful life post-graduation.

Academic Planning Workshops 

UAA Advising partners with several capacity constrained departments to offer workshops for students not admitted to a particular major. Led by Academic Advisers, and developed in collaboration with departments, these workshops support students as they develop an academic plan, prepare for co-curricular involvement related to their academic interests, and set goals for future quarters. Contact Allie Carpenter, alliecar@uw.edu, for collaboration opportunities.

Partnership with Housing and Food Services 

Throughout the academic year, UAA Advising partners with Housing and Food Services to offer passive programming to students. Topics include major exploration, major to career myth busting, alumni stories, registration tips, and academic transition.

Upcoming Programs
  • Spring Break/Early Fall Start Study Abroad Opportunites for Rising Second-Year Students